Left, Right, & Center: American Political Parties & the Electorate

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (ET)
TANG Payne
Event Type
Panel Discussion
Political Science

"Left, Right, & Center: American Political Parties & the Electorate.” 

October 9, 2024 @ 5PM Payne Room, Tang Teaching Museum

Political Science Professors Ron Seyb and Natalie Taylor will talk with Ruy Teixeira, author of Where Have All the Democrats Gone?: the Soul of the Party in an Age of Extremes, and Matthew Continetti, author of The Right: the Hundred Year War for American Conservatism, about the shifting composition of the two political parties, the rising number of independent voters, and the implications for the future of American politics.  

This event is sponsored by the Department of Political Science, Tang Museum, the Dean of Faculty, and the Office of the President. 

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