JMP Training

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (ET)
Event Type

Session 1 (10:00-11:30am)
Getting Started with JMP for Teaching Statistical Concepts and Data Analysis

Modern statistical software isn’t just a tool to help students analyze data, but through interactive graphics and rich statistical visualization these tools help students learn and engage with core concepts in statistics and data analysis. In this session we will see examples of how to use interactivity of software to aid in the communication of otherwise difficult to grasp concepts in the analysis and visualization of data. Examples will include statistical simulations to demonstrate foundational topics such as the sampling distribution of the mean and outlier influence in regression, how interactivity of a visualization can illuminate the output of unsupervised machine learning algorithms for clustering, and how dynamic and responsive graphics can be used to teach core design principles in effective data visualization.

  • §  Q&A and Pizza Lunch (11:30am – 12:30pm)

  • §  Session 2 (12:30-2:00pm)

    Getting Started with JMP Statistical Software for Research

    JMP includes comprehensive capabilities for statistical and graphical analysis of data for every academic and research field. Easily perform basic statistical analysis to fitting and validating the most complex models. JMP runs natively on both Windows and Macintosh, and can also integrate with SAS®, R, MATLAB, Python, and Excel.

    General Agenda:

    • Data visualization, including mapping, Graph Builder, data filters, dashboards, and saving interactive output

    • Data cleaning and processing, including restructuring, recoding, tabulating, handling missing values, and outliers

    • Basic inference, ANOVA, regression, and multivariate analysis.

    • Advanced analysis with mixed models, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and Text mining

    • Other topics of interest (upon request), including design of experiments (DOE), quality, reliability/survival, data

      mining/predictive modeling, mixed models, repeated measures, bootstrapping, scripting, and time series.

    • Overview of freely available JMP academic resources.

Never heard of JMP Software? Find out more at 

Download(87.7K) 2017_06_28-Skidmore-Flyer.pdf
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